Tianguiza: Enhancing Visibility for Traditional Markets

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Tianguiza is a web-based platform designed to enhance the visibility and accessibility of traditional markets, known as "tianguis," within the metropolitan area of Guadalajara, Jalisco. This project was a collaborative effort developed with two of my friends using React and Next.js, aiming to bring digital transformation to local marketplaces.

My Role and Contributions

UX & UI Designer

As the UX & UI designer, I was responsible for creating an intuitive and engaging user experience. My focus was on ensuring that the platform was user-friendly, aesthetically pleasing, and accessible to a diverse audience. I worked on:

Technical Integration

One of the key features of Tianguiza its system to register the surface area of a tianguis using map tools and Turf.js. I was heavily involved in:

Full-Stack Development

In addition to my role as a designer, I was deeply involved in the full-stack development process. This included:

Collaboration and Teamwork

Working closely with my two friends, we embraced a collaborative approach, constantly communicating and sharing ideas. Our teamwork was crucial in overcoming challenges and delivering a robust and reliable platform.


Developing Tianguiza was a rewarding experience that allowed me to apply and enhance my skills in UX/UI design and web development. It also reinforced the importance of collaboration and continuous learning in creating impactful digital solutions. Tianguiza not only serves to modernize traditional markets in Guadalajara but also stands as a testament to our collective effort and passion for technology and community development.